Obtain greater accessibility for your audio-visual content with our artificial intelligence solutions
Achieve accessibility and increase the use of your audio-visual content
Automatic transcription, subtitling, indexing, and cataloguing of audio-visual content.
Automate tasks that were once performed manually
And do this simply and intuitively using artificial intelligence.
Optimize costs and improve service
Make the recording of your audio-visual content more cost-effective and facilitate its use.
Improve positioning of audio-visual content
Make your audio-visual content accessible and usable for everyone.
Comply with accessibility legislation and regulations
Meet Spanish and international regulations in digital accessibility.
Technology that is applicable to all your audio-visual projects
Video minutes and transcription of minutes, video classes, and training content catalogue, live broadcasting with automatic subtitling, etc.
| Our solutions
What do we offer?

Tech4access provides solutions for the automatic transcription, subtitling, indexing, and cataloguing of audio-visual content to improve content accessibility.
Our solutions are multilingual and work using artificial intelligence which allows us to optimize costs and to automatically perform tasks that were once done manually using methods that are simple and intuitive.
Our solutions will make it possible for you to ensure easy access to your audio-visual content for everyone.
Discover the solution that best suits your needs, free of charge
| We adapt to your needs
We are consultants specialized in audio-visual accessibility and usability who will help you find the solution that best adapts to your organization

Our goal is to make your audio-visual content accessible to everyone as simply as possible.
- We are experts with extensive experience in the implementation of accessible and usable solutions for the Spanish public and educational sectors.
- We will advise you and analyse the specific requirements of your organization to offer you a high-quality solution aligned with your needs that is easy to implement and use, and all at a competitive price.
- Our technical team will be in charge of implementation, offering guidance and information throughout the process.
- We will help you comply with your legal obligations in relation to audio-visual accessibility.
| Our solutions boast
Presence in
Implemented on
If you need help to improve accessibility of your audio-visual content, do not hesitate to contact us!
You can also call us directly at (+34) 960 010 158.