Accessible procedures are a reality on the website of the Public State Employment Service (SEPE).
This entity, responsible for promoting, designing, and developing actions in favor of employment, meets the requirements to be an accessible electronic administration.
Indeed, the institution has the inSuit Tools™ web accessibility platform, which removes all barriers that people with disabilities might encounter when navigating the portal.
With the implementation of inSuit Tools™, SEPE guarantees that its service, procedures, and informational function reach all users equally and equitably.
This brings countless benefits that directly and positively impact both the institution and its users.
What kind of benefits? Below is a list of advantages that directly involve accessible electronic administration.
Advantages of having accessible procedures within the SEPE
An accessible electronic administration is necessary to simplify and allow remote execution of each of the procedures required by its users.
Among the advantages that users can count on are:
- Avoiding dependence on others and making them more independent.
- People with disabilities, especially those with limited mobility, will have the opportunity to carry out their procedures remotely, eliminating the need to physically travel to the institution’s headquarters.
- Promoting cost and time reduction by avoiding travel.
- With accessible procedures, they can resolve their needs and doubts more quickly.
- Allowing better organization and planning, eliminating the forced adjustment to office hours.
Among the benefits that the entity can perceive, we can highlight:
- The institution can manage electronically, automatically, without having to dedicate personnel to the procedure and remotely, procedures that would otherwise require physical attention at its headquarters.
- Managing the procedure electronically saves economic resources allocated to personnel and frees up time for other tasks.
- Services improve significantly in terms of accessibility. Users can benefit from accessible procedures any day and at any time.
- It is possible to integrate the different services offered, putting as much information as possible in one place, making it available at any time.
- Promoting the use of new technologies stimulates innovation.
- Being an accessible electronic administration means that its management improves significantly.
- It can increase security in terms of sensitive data stored, facilitating their recovery.
- The savings can be noticeable in the institution’s budget, as well as in the energy resources used, due to the use of new technologies.
- The institution’s employees can increase their productivity since several actions can be systematized.
How does inSuit Tools™ make this electronic administration accessible?
inSuit Provides accessibility tools and technical aids for navigation.
inSuit Tools™ is a platform that provides web accessibility to the different pages that use it.
To activate the accessibility tools and technical aids for navigation it provides, you only need to click on the blue button or tab located on the left side of the web with the text “ACCESSIBILITY TOOLS”.

Once this action is taken, a series of options are displayed that allow choosing the most appropriate tools and technical aids for navigation based on the user’s requirement.
The options include:
- Unique number identification to every element, and area navigation divided by blocks, which allows easy interaction and navigation through a structured page.
- This structure allows easy and simple navigation with different interfaces, depending on the user’s needs.
- Initially, the user enjoys very simple navigation through buttons and automatic content reading, which can be activated as needed.
- The tool provides different technical aids that can be used by the user with just one click. These aids are:
- Navigation through the keyboard.
- Voice command.
- Navigation through sounds.
- Simple navigation through buttons.
- Navigation through the switch.
- Navigation for people with reduced vision.
- Optimization for external aids.
- Simple navigation through large texts.
- inSuit help command, which provides necessary information regarding navigation, forms, multimedia content, and PDFs.
Solves web accessibility issues and errors in real time
inSuit Tools™ runs in parallel with a remediation service that makes real-time changes to the website to resolve most of the web accessibility issues detected in the in-depth manual audit that inSuit technicians perform beforehand, without the need for the page owner to make modifications to their original code.
This significantly improves the web accessibility rating of the pages and ensures greater compliance with standards.
The digital accessibility experts at inSuit manually configure this action, which is adapted to each specific case and the needs of the client.
SEPE complies with inSuit the Royal Decree 1112/2018
In this way, SEPE complies with the regulations established in Royal Decree 1112/2018 and Law 11/2007, of June 22, on Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services.
This demonstrates that accessible electronic services are an important part of the social inclusion process that seeks to establish more and more services within everyone’s reach.
If you are interested in learning more about accessible electronic administration, do not hesitate to contact us! From Tech4access, we will advise you on the matter without any obligation.